2024-09-01: Missing data between 17:15 and 18:15 UTC, due to several downloads, installation and reboots for Windows updates..
2024-08-01: Missing data between 21:00 and 23:00 UTC, due to several downloads, installation and reboots for Windows updates.
2024-07-09: Missing data around 19:15 UTC due to download and installation for Windows updates.
2024-06-27: Missing data around 15:03 and 22:00 UTC, due to reboot, download, installation for Windows updates.
2024-06-01: Missing data between 17:00—18:15 and 21:30—22:00 UTC, due to reboot, download, installation and another reboot for Windows updates.
2024-04-30: Missing data between 20:45 and 21:21 UTC, due to reboot, download, installation and another reboot for Windows updates.
2024-04-02: Missing data between 19:45 and 20:12 UTC, to installation of another Windows update with reboot and upgrade of WinSCP.
2024-04-02: Missing data between 04:51 and 05:33 UTC, due to installation of a Windows update with reboot and virus scanning.
2024-02-19: Missing data around 21:30 UTC, due to installation of a Windows update with reboot.
2024-02-07: Missing data between 21:14:00 and 22:12:00 UTC, due to community mains failure and reboot for Windows update.
2024-01-12: Missing data between 14:05:20 and around 16:00:00 UTC, due to Windows updates and reboot.
2024-01-10: Missing data around 21:00:00 UTC, due to Windows updates.
2024-01-05: Missing data around 20:00:00 UTC, due to Windows updates.
2023-12-21: Missing data between 14:00:00 and 15:30:00 UTC, due to Windows updates and reboot.
2023-12-19: Missing data around 22:00:00 UTC, due to Windows updates.
2023-12-15: Missing data around 22:00:00 UTC, due to Windows updates..
2023-12-14: Missing data around 22:15:00 UTC, due to Windows updates.
2023-12-04: Missing data between 08:00:00:00 and 10:00:00 UTC, due to Windows updates.
2023-11-24: Missing data between 11:09:00 and 13:30:00 UTC, due to Windows updates and reboot.
2023-11-14: Missing data around 22:00:00 due UTC, to Windows updates and reboot.
2023-10-29: Missing data between 01:00:00 and 02:00:00 UTC, due to transition Summer to Winter Time..
2023-10-23: Missing data between 06:43 and 07:43 UTC, due to Explorer (desktop) crash and recovery.
2023-10-01: Missing data between 08:45 and 10:15 UTC, due Windows update and feature update installation, including reboots.
2023-09-13: Missing data around 13:00 UTC, during automatic Windows feature update installation.
2023-09-11: Missing data around 20:24 UTC, during automatic Windows update KB file installation.
2023-08-31: Missing data between 16:45 and 22:00 UTC, due to installation Windows feature update, memory extension to 8 gigabyte and replacement of defective SATA cable.
2023-08-14: Missing data between 20:30 and 22:00 UTC, due to failing network stack, failing Windows update, filled up page file.
2023-07-16: Missing data between 06:24:50 and 08:50:40 UTC, due to unknown failure.
2023-07-16: Missing data around 02:00 UTC, due to reboot for Windows updates.
2023-06-01: Missing data around 05:00 UTC, due to OS crash during reboot for Windows updates.
2023-05-02: Missing data around 06:00 UTC, due to reboot for Windows updates.
2022-10-13: Missing data around 21:45 UTC, due to reboot for Windows updates.
2022-10-03: Missing data around 10:00 UTC, due to reboot for Windows updates.
2022-09-21: Missing data around 10:03 UTC, due to mains interruption.
2022-09-18: Missing data around 07:15 UTC, due to reboot for Windows updates and clearing memory leak filled Windows page file.
2022-09-01: Missing data around 04:29 UTC, due to reboot, to clear memory leak filled Windows page file.
2022-08-11: Missing data around 21:18 UTC, due to reboot for Windows updates.
2022-08-10: Missing data around 12:15 UTC, due to automatic install of Windows updates.
2022-08-06: Missing data between 12:30:30 and 16:52:40 UTC, due to maintenance mains supply of RX/pc area.
2022-08-01: Missing data around 04:30 UTC, due to reboot for Windows updates and pagefile usage reset.
2022-07-15: Missing data between 12:00 and 13:00 UTC, due to testing of automatic restarting Faros after failure.
2022-06-29: No stable data between 11:45 and 14:00 UTC, due to Windows update, reboots and FAROS process settings testing.
2022-06-25: No stable data between 20:45 and 2022 June 28 10:00 UTC, due to failing FAROS restart after a Windows user interface crash, caused by Windows update and low virtual memory.
2022-06-05: No stable data around 22:54 UTC, due to Windows update and reboot.
2022-04-30: No stable data between 09:00 and 10:15 UTC, due to Windows update, reboot and mains supply issues.
2022-04-01: No stable data around 07:15 UTC, due to Windows update and reboot.
2022-03-01: No stable data around 06:00 UTC, due to Windows update and reboot.
2022-02-01: No stable data around 22:00 UTC, due to update 21H2 and reboot for Windows.
2021-10-13: No stable data around 02:57 and 15:53 UTC, due to update (02:57) and reboot (15:53) for Windows.
2021-09-16: No stable data between 20:27:30 and 20:45:50 UTC, due to update and reboot for Windows.
2021-08-18: No stable data between 19:47:00 and 20:24:00 UTC, due to 21H1 feature update for Windows.
2021-08-03: No stable data between 03:23:10 and 03:36:20 UTC, due to “silent” install of Windows updates.
2021-07-18: No data around 19:45 UTC, due to reboot for Windows updates.
2021-07-17: No data around 13:30 UTC, due to switched off mains supply.
2021-07-01: No data between 08:21:10 and 09:06:50 UTC, due to general mains power supply failure.
2021-06-01: No data around 21:30 UTC, due to reboot for Windows updates.
2021-04-14: No data around 15:30 UTC, due to reboot for Windows updates.
2021-04-12: No data around 18:00 UTC, due to reboot for Windows updates.
2021-04-02: No data around 08:00 UTC, due to reboot for Windows updates.
2021-04-01: No data around 18:00 UTC, due to reboot for Windows updates.
2021-02-14: No data around 20:21 UTC, due to reboot for Windows updates.
2021-01-18: No data between 0:00 and 10:00 UTC, due to automatic reboot trigged by Windows update. The update interrupted the OS startup with a user action request, preventing FAROS from starting.
2020-11-25: Intermittent no data between 17:00 and 17:30 UTC due to Windows updates.
2020-10-25: No valid data between 2:00 and 3:00 UTC due to transition from CET summertime to wintertime.
2020-10-18: Intermittent no data between 12:15 and 14:00 UTC due to Windows updates.
2020-08-06: Intermittent no data between 15:18 and 19:48 UTC due to update of the Windows OS with 20.04 features.
2020-07-23: No data around 21:48 UTC, due to reboot for Windows updates.
2020-07-05: No data between 18:00 and 18:15 UTC, due to Windows updates.
2020-07-01: No data between 08:30 and 09:30 UTC, due to Windows updates.
2020-06-23: On June 21st the PC lost a software handle and failed to upload the FAROS data. Solution is under test. Regular update of FAROS data might be interrupted.
2020-06-01: Around 17:30 UTC monitor station powered down to swap Kenwood TS-570DG. The current TS-570 has a thermal stabilization of the master clock Xtal (Kuhne QH40A).
2020-05-25: PC running Faros replaced after another sequence of BIOS initiated reboots. Sync to website temporary manually initiated. To be automated and tested.
2020-05-23: Normal operation restored after cooling of the environment.
2020-05-22: The BIOS rebooted the PC continuously due to a high temperature alert caused by a high environment temperature. After cooldown a restart was succefull but the reboot issues returned.
2020-05-11: Mains restored.
2020-05-09: Operator error on mains switch caused power down.
2020-02-16: Over-heating issue resolved by restoring cooling fan functionality.
2020-02-09: The BIOS shutted the PC down after over-heating, between 17:00 – 21:00 UTC. One of the 2 cooling fan's failed.
2020-02-03: The power supply of the Faros PC failed between 12:00 – 18:00 UTC. It has to be replaced at some point.
2020-01-30: Failure, due to loose mains connector, of Faros PC between 13:30 – 16:30 UTC.
2019-03-30: The monitor station can be disconnected due to activities at the temporarily location in the CQ WPX SSB contest this weekend. Expected end off interruptions around 22:00 UTC 2019-03-31.
2019-03-15: The monitor station has been disconnected due to activities at the temporarily location, in the RDXC contest this weekend. Expected power on around 12:00 UTC 2019-03-17.
2019-03-07: NCDXF beacon monitor station antenna installed at temporarily location, in use from 16:30 UTC onwards.
2019-03-07: Fixed antenne issue around 09:45 UTC.
2019-03-06: Setup NCDXF monitorstation PA3EWG at temporarily location JO21PO around UTC, connected to 2x 10m NVIS antenna at 2m AGL.
2019-03-06: Shut down NCDXF monitor station PA3EWG on JO21QL around 18:00 UTC.
2019-01-31: Installed a new PC for the Faros software. Switched from Windows XP to Windows 10.
2018-04-06: Due to maintenance on the mains supply, the monitor station was off-line between 05:43:50 and 10:01:40 UTC.
2017-11-23: Disturbance disappeared around 16:00h. Source could not be identified.
2017-11-06: Exchanged audio cable between TS570 and PC -> No change. Tried external USB soundcard -> fail; Faros needs line-in, which was not present. Swapped TS570. Disturbance on 14.100 on different frequency … To prevent AGC issues (TS570 has no AGC Off) RX bandwidth, as a test, reduced to 600Hz. Between 11 and 12h UTC the data is not valid.
2017-11-02: Tested Rx signal with portable RX setup. Antenna signal does not show detected carriers.
2017-10-26: Cleanup of mains, network connections near RX setup. Added ferrite cores. Cleaned RX/TX relais via TX signal.
2017-10-23: Detected charger not only cause of reduced performance.
2017-10-18: Relation detected between charging of electrical scooter and RX degradation.
2017-10-16: Detected reduced performance RX on 14.100 MHz.